El Día Del Agua Y La Atmósfera 2022 - Keynote Conversation & Mixer

Water Security in the Arid Southwest: Institutions, Science, and Solutions

Student Moderator: Mekha Pereira

See the Flyer for the panel!

Narrative: For Arizona and the Arid Southwest, securing water for people and nature is a non-trivial challenge with ties to the interactions of climate, infrastructure, and history. That challenge has been amplified recently by Tier 1 shortage declarations from the Colorado River and COVID-19. Yet ‘water security’ means different things to the science, advocacy, and industry leaders who use the term. As panelist Janene Yazzie of Sixth World Solutions states: “Our challenges are so complex. Our histories are so complex, and our solutions need to mirror that… informed by the limitations and types of relationships that exist within our ecosystems.” What does securing water mean, how do ‘we’ go about it, and where do scientists fit in? Yazzie is joined by Sandy Fabritz-Whitney of Freeport McMoRan and Terri Sue Rossi of Arizona Water Company to ask these questions in the keynote event for the University of Arizona Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Science’s annual conference, EL DÍA DEL AGUA Y LA ATMÓSFERA. Please Join - Attendance is free!

Speaker 1: Janene Yazzie

Sixth World Solutions, Community Organizer and Human Rights Advocate, Expertise in Infrastructure Policy, Integrated Land & Water Management

Janene is a Dine entrepreneur, community organizer and human rights advocate from the Navajo Nation. She works on climate change, water security, food security, energy development, and nation building with indigenous communities. She is program manager of Sustainable Community Development with the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC). She also represents IITC as the co-convener of the Indigenous Peoples Major Group (IPMG) to the United Nations High Level Political Forum on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Co- founder of Sixth World Solutions LLP., and co-founder of the Navajo Nation Little Colorado River Watershed Chapters Association (LCRWCA), she has built expertise in infrastructure policy, integrated land and water management, and restoration and protection of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). Janene Yazzie is a community organizer and human rights advocate that has worked on development and energy issues with Indigenous communities across the United States for over 12 years.

Speaker 2: Sandra Fabritz-Whitney

Director for Water Strategy, Freeport McMoRan; previously at ADWR

Sandy is an experienced Strategy Director with a demonstrated history of working in the mining & metals industry. She has worked as Director Water Strategy for Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold since 2014 and prior to that, worked at Arizona Department for Water Resources for 22 years.

Speaker 3: Terri Sue Rossi

Arizona Water Company

Terri Sue Rossi is currently the Water Resources Manager for Arizona Water Company, the second largest private water company in Arizona. She has worked in Arizona water resources since 1987 where she started her career at the Arizona Department of Water Resources. Terri Sue also served as the first water resource manager for the cities of Peoria and Surprise and for the largest private water company in Arizona now doing business as EPCOR. She has also worked for the Central Arizona Project and the Arizona Water Banking Authority. In her free time, Terri Sue is a member of Red Rock Crossing Band a folk grass acoustic trio specializing in three-part harmony. She has a daughter who is an artist living in Sedona. LinkedIn

El Día Del Agua Y La Atmosfera 2022 - Luncheon Speaker

Student Moderator: Brandon Mitchell

Steve Waters will talk about the ways in which Flood Control assists in Decision Support across a broad swath of stakeholder interests. This ranges from the curation of high-quality and accessible data sets to support scientific inquiry, to the dissemination of useful probabilistic forecasts to the broader public. Steve will talk more generally about best practices for operational modeling, and some trends he is seeing that might be useful for students and professionals to hear about ...

Steve Waters

Flood Warning Branch Manager at Flood Control District of Maricopa County

Steve Waters currently serves as a Senior Hydrologist and the Flood Warning Branch manager for the Flood Control District of Maricopa County, where his duties include supervision of flood warning, hydrologic data collection and publishing, maintaining a web site and coordinating emergency response for the District. Mr. Waters has worked for the District for 33 years, and previously worked for the City of Tucson for 3 years as an engineering intern. Mr. Waters received a BS degree in Hydrology and Water Resources from the University of Arizona College of Engineering and Mines in 1988. He is a past Board member and webmaster for the Arizona Floodplain Management Association, a member of the Arizona Statewide Flood Warning System Task Force, an elected member of the American Meteorological Society, and served on the Board of the National Hydrologic Warning Council.

El Día Del Agua Y La Atmósfera 2022 - Career Panel

Emerging Trends and Opportunities in Atmo & Hydro Employment

Student Moderator: Alcely Lau

The Career panel is an opportunity for students to interact with professionals to learn about what it takes to be successful in the real world. The All-HAS Alumni panelists will share their experiences, challenges, advice, and perspectives for the hydrology and atmospheric science field.

Speaker 1: Alyssa Kirk

Groundwater Hydrologist at Montgomery & Associates

Alyssa Kirk is a groundwater hydrologist with Montgomery and Associates. Alyssa has a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources and a Master of Science degree in Hydrology from the University of Arizona. Alyssa has been at Montgomery & Associates for about six years where she has primarily provided support for environmental, hydrogeologic, water resources, and field investigations. Prior to joining M&A Alyssa worked for Tucson Water as an intern, engineering technician, and hydrologist, where she provided field, analytical and database support for large managed aquifer recharge projects.

Speaker 2: Eleonora Demaria

Hydrologist at Pima County Regional Flood Control District
Adjunct Professor at the University of Arizona

Eleonora Demaria works as a hydrologist for Pima County Regional Flood Control District where she is responsible for doing hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, project management, and overseeing various efforts related to the water and climate in the County. Before joining the District, Eleonora worked as a research scientist where she investigated the impacts of climate change on water resources and the usefulness of satellite-estimated precipitation for flood forecasting and water management. She gained a B.S. in Water Resources Engineering from Argentina, an M.S. in Meteorology from the University of Utah, and a Ph.D. in Hydrology from the University of Arizona.

Speaker 3: Jon Rohrer

Principal Hydrogeologist at Roux Associates

Jon Rohrer works as a hydrogeologist and expert witness for Roux Associates in Long Beach, CA. As a Principal Hydrogeologist at Roux, Jon is responsible for guiding complex soil, soil vapor and groundwater projects and assisting in legal projects supporting attorneys in litigation. Jon has worked on a variety of types of contaminated-media and groundwater projects, ranging from clean-water supply efforts, water-supply contamination scenarios, litigation projects, redevelopment projects and site-cleanups. Jon received his M.S. from the University of Arizona in 1996 from the Department of Hydrology & Water Resources, and did his research over in the Soil Water and Environmental Science Department working on the Tucson International Airport Superfund LinkedIn

Speaker 4: Steve Waters

Flood Warning Branch Manager at Flood Control District of Maricopa County

Steve Waters currently serves as a Senior Hydrologist and the Flood Warning Branch manager for the Flood Control District of Maricopa County, where his duties include supervision of flood warning, hydrologic data collection and publishing, maintaining a web site and coordinating emergency response for the District. Mr. Waters has worked for the District for 33 years, and previously worked for the City of Tucson for 3 years as an engineering intern. Mr. Waters received a BS degree in Hydrology and Water Resources from the University of Arizona College of Engineering and Mines in 1988. He is a past Board member and webmaster for the Arizona Floodplain Management Association, a member of the Arizona Statewide Flood Warning System Task Force, an elected member of the American Meteorological Society, and served on the Board of the National Hydrologic Warning Council.