Phenological Phase Timing In Relation To Climate Variables
Presenter: Ava Lasater1
Co-Author(s): -
Advisor(s): Dr. Theresa Crimmins
1The College of Science, University of Arizona
Panapto Presentation Video
Poster PDF
Poster Session 2
The USA National Phenology Network hosts a volunteer plant and animal phenology observing program called Nature’s Notebook. Tohono Chul, a botanical garden located in northwest Tucson, has regularly collected data on the phenophases–phenological characteristics such as the presence of flowers–of many plants and animals over the last six years, providing a wealth of data for analysis. The goal of this poster is to present the graphical analysis of this data that displays the observations collected by Tohono Chul and identify potential relationships between phenophases and climate variables such as precipitation and seasonal temperatures. Precipitation has yielded the strongest relationships, so this poster will focus on the relationship between phenophase appearance and seasonal precipitation. The findings of this poster and this research will contribute to the broader understanding of relationships between climate variables and phenology in Sonoran Desert plants.